What You Should Know About TDR Machines

Time-domain reflectometry is considered among one established and widely used measuring method for determining

* Total length of cable

* location of cable interruptions

* location of joints along the cable

* location of low resistive cable faults

Considering the above four points, installing TDR test equipment is sometimes compared to a radar installation. However, there is a significant difference. The difference is of the medium involved, as it is the transmission line rather than air or free space. Therefore, when there is a discontinuity or the transmission line carries an open fault, the TDR successfully displays the reflected waveform. The user quickly identifies the nature of the fault.

Certain Advanced Features Of TDRs

Modern TDRs are well equipped with advanced and innovative features, including dual trace and step function, not available in traditional testers.

The advantage of the dual trace is that a lineman can send two pulses on separate testing channels to run two traces simultaneously.

As a result, operators can easily find the faults by looking at the difference between the two pairs. Thus, if a trace is obtained right after the installation process, this dual-trace function of modern TDR machines can be used months or even years later, thereby identifying new faults comparable to the historical record.

The new technology in TDR equipment permits the user to utilize the step function. It means that rather than providing a pulse, the step function sends a full-strength signal until a disturbance is detected. This makes detecting the faults easier.

Advanced TDRs are also capable of storing and recalling specific test results, along with the benefit of tagging traces for future analysis.

A Point To Note

TDRs are capable of applying various pulses. However, the most basic requirement for TDR is to provide sufficient resolution for locating faults.


The capabilities of modern time domain reflectometry are likely to continue to advance surely. Therefore, TDR will remain a trusted cable fault detection tool across various industrial and commercial applications. Ensure that the tour TDR equipment manufacturer is recognized, so that machine quality does not take a toll.


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