3 Things To Consider Before Getting An Aircraft Wire Harness Tester

Most of us would agree that buying aviation tools is far from easy. Starting from their features to their specifications, you need to focus on many details before you move ahead. As an aircraft wire harness tester is crucial for checking the wiring, you need to ensure that you focus on all the details before making the final decision. One of the best ways to do that is to prepare a checklist of the things you should consider before getting a tester for your setting.

aircraft wire harness tester

Here are some of the things you should consider when you wish to get an aircraft wire tester:

1. Functions of the wire tester

First, you should start by focusing on the functions of an aircraft wire tester. Even though it may be used for various purposes, it is primarily used for testing and identifying faults in the wiring system. Ideally, you should go for a wire tester that enables you to locate and fix twisted pairs, single wires in a harness, and all types of coax. In addition to these, you should see if the harness tester can help you troubleshoot aircraft power cables or not. Once you are sure it does, you can focus on other aspects.

2. Features of the wire tester

Next, you need to look at the features of the wire tester before you move ahead. You need to see if the wire harness tester comes with a range zoom on the cursor, LED keypad indicators, and an alphanumeric entry pad. When you have looked for these features, you need to see if the wire tester comes with a designated cable list (up to 64 cable types), context-sensitive assistance, ETDR PC Vision software, and other similar features before you buy it.

3. Accessories included with the tester

Finally, you should gather information about the accessories that are included with the tester. You need to see if the aircraft tester comes with connection adapters, aircraft wiring harness-style connectors, and other similar essentials. Ideally, you should go for the wire tester that comes with instruction manuals, anti-FOD carrying cases, and other similar accessories. When you have the option to get all the essentials you need, you should move ahead.

If you wish to get an aircraft wire harness tester, you should visit the websites of the concerned agencies.


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